The HolocaustQuest      

[Introduction]   [Roles]   [Task]   [Process]   [Evaluation]     


[Introduction] [Top of Page]

Have you ever sat down with your parents and looked at your family photos. You've seen pictures of you when you were a newborn in your fathers arms, a first grader missing your two front teeth, you at your eighth grade graduation, and you at your high school graduation. What if someone told you that those pictures weren't real. That you had just made then up even though you have memories from some of these times. Well that is what is happening today with deniers of the Holocaust claiming that the death/execution of nearly six million Jews in Poland during W.W.II was just a hoax. WHO DO YOU BELIEVE????????




[Roles] [Top of Page]

To successfully complete this Quest you will need to work cooperatively in two groups of two. Each student in the group will need to assume one of the four roles.

Role 1 Holocaust Survivor- Solomon Radasky

Role 2 Holocaust Survivor - Eva Galler

Role 3 Holocaust Denier - Maurice Bardeche

Role 4 Holocaust Denier- David Irving

[Task] [Top of Page]

1. You are to research the person that you have chosen to be.

2. You will have to convince the class that the Holocaust did or didn't happen by having a debate.

3. You will need to make a powerpoint presentation to help convince the class. The class will be the ones deciding who did a better job.



[Process] [Top of Page]

1. The Holocaust Survivors need to look at these web pages.

a. Solomon Radasky: You need to go to the Holocaust Survivors webpage to read your survivor story. Take notes because you may want to state some actual events that happened to you.
b. Eva Galler: You need to go to the Holocaust Survivors webpage to read your survivor story. Take notes because you may want to state some actual events that happened to you.
c. Both of you may also want to read some of the stories from other Holocaust victims. Example Four Perfect Pebbles by: Lila Perl and Marion Lazan or the Diary of Anne Frank.
d. Both of you go to this virtual tour and look at the gas chambers. You may want to put these pictures on you powerpoint so the class can see them.
e. Both of you need to look at these virtual tours so that you can see what some of the concentration camps looked like.
f. Both of you need to go to Revisionism and the Holocaust and do some researching here. Take notes of what you think that the deniers will bring up.

2. The Holocaust deniers need to look at these web pages.

a. Maurice Bardeche: You need to read the book you wrote titled What is Fascism?
b. David Irving: You need to read this website about yourself.
c. Both of you need to go to the letters to David Irving website so that you will know some of the questions that might be brought up.

d. Both of you need to look at this website: 66 questions so that you will be able to answer some of the questions that might be brought up.
e. Both of you need to go to this Chemistry website and read about the gas chambers.

3. The two groups are then going to have a debate with one another in front of the class. You need to be very convincing because the class is choosing who was the best.

a. Both groups will have fifteen to twenty minutes to present their material to the class.
b. Both groups need to make a powerpoint presentation for the class.
c. After the presentations, both groups will go out into the hall and decide what their concluding remarks will be.
d. After hearing the concluding remarks the class will then take a vote as to who was the most believable.
e. GOOD LUCK!!!!


[Evaluation] [Top of Page]

This is a 100 point project. You will be graded on group work, participation, creativity, and your presentation.

Group work: 15 points

Participation: 25 points

Creativity: 10 points

Presentation: 50 points


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